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Mental Health Media: Two Books, Two Podcasts, Two Documentaries

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Maintaining good mental health—like maintaining good physical health—is an ongoing activity. Sometimes it can be helpful to do some reading, listening, or watching to remind you of key ideas related to mental health or to give you a new perspective on related issues.

While we can hardly provide a comprehensive list of resources in the space of this blog entry, we can share some good options. To that end, we offer up two book recommendations, two podcast suggestions, and two documentary choices that effectively address ideas and issues around mental health.

Two Books:

Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle by Emily Nagoski, PhD, and Amelia Nagoski, DMA

We are all so busy and have so many demands placed on our time and attention—and that can lead to burnout. In Burnout, sisters Emily and Amelia Nagoski explore the body’s natural responses to stress and the ways in which it can build up if it isn’t resolved effectively. That buildup can result in the emotional exhaustion and sense that you are not accomplishing anything that are typical symptoms of burnout. The book includes plenty of research but is delivered in an appealing style that connects to real people dealing with stressful real-world situations.

Emotional First Aid: Healing Rejection, Guilt, Failure, and Other Everyday Hurts by Guy Winch, PhD

Emotional pain tends not to be as easy to spot as physical injury, but the pain is just as real—and the pain is likely to get worse rather than better if it is just ignored. Guy Winch offers ideas for creating a personal emotional first aid kit that will be at the ready when emotional issues like heartache, rejection, loneliness, low self-esteem, and more come calling, as they do for most everyone from time to time. Having a first aid kit on hand to address physical emergencies is always a good idea, and Winch makes the case that having an emotional first aid kit at your disposal is equally important.

Two Podcasts:

Feeling Good with Dr. David D. Burns, M.D.

Dr. Burns addresses a variety of mental health concerns on his podcast—which shares a name with his popular self-help book about dealing with depression—through a cognitive behavioral therapy lens. A certified psychiatrist who earned his M.D. from Stanford University, Dr. Burns skillfully blends clinical expertise with an approachable demeanor as he addresses topics including (but far from limited to) social anxiety, depression, shyness, and perfectionism.

The Hilarious World of Depression with John Moe

Laughter is, of course, good for your mental health. And while most of us probably would not describe depression as “hilarious,” John Moe invites comedians onto his podcast to discuss their experience with the mental health disorder. The goal is lessen the stigma associated with depression while also providing plenty of laughs (and full disclosure, plenty of tears, too). The Hilarious World of Depression focuses on conversation and vulnerability—and listeners can find comfort and common cause in both.

Two Documentaries

Just Like You: Anxiety + Depression directed by Jen Greenstreet

Jen Greenstreet left her work as a prosecuting attorney to start a film company dedicated to addressing mental health disorders. Just Like You: Anxiety + Depression features young people, accomplished adults, an indefatigable mother, and more individuals whose lives are affected by mental health issues. At its heart, the documentary seeks to remind anyone who is struggling with their mental health that they are not alone and that help is available. Greenstreet’s work may well help reduce the stigma that often surrounds issues of mental health and makes those who are struggling reluctant to seek help.

Facing Suicide from PBS

The title of this PBS documentary probably makes it clear that this is the sort of program for which viewer discretion is most certainly advised. That said, Facing Suicide profiles scientists who are engaged in research to discover more about the causes of suicide. The documentary also delves deeply into personal stories so that the human side of the equation is never forgotten. In the end, Facing Suicide is about finding hope and better addressing this mental health crisis.

One Choice for Exceptional Mental Health Care

Peak View Behavioral Health helps individuals who are struggling with mental health disorders including depression, anxiety, trauma-based disorders, and more. At our Colorado Springs facility, we offer personalized treatment and are committed to focusing on you as an individual because no two people face exactly the same challenges. We can help you improve your mental health and maintain those improvements over time.

peak view behavioral health - colorado springs, colorado mental health and addiction treatment centerAre you looking for mental health help in Colorado Springs? For more information about Peak View Behavioral Health, or if you have questions, please call us at 719-694-0220 or use our contact form.

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