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Mental Health Care Can Bring the Sun Back Out

mental health strategies, Mental Health Care Can Bring the Sun Back Out, solar eclipse as a metaphor for mental health disorders.

Did you have the opportunity to witness the recent solar eclipse? 

It was quite a sight—especially for those in the path of totality. Watching the moon cross in front of the sun is a pretty amazing experience. 

A solar eclipse might also serve as a useful metaphor for mental health disorders and their treatment. Pop on your protective glasses (actually, don’t; it will make it hard to read this blog) as we explore this celestial metaphor.

The Start of the Eclipse: Not so Noticeable at First

There was plenty of advance information to let you know when the first signs of the eclipse would be visible from any given location. But imagine for a moment that you did not know when the moon would first slip in front of the sun. Or imagine that you didn’t even know an eclipse was expected.

In those first several minutes of the eclipse, you probably would not even notice that anything unusual was happening. After all, we are not generally in the habit of looking directly at the sun, right? So, that first change might not even register with you.

The same can be true when it comes to the development of a mental health disorder like one of the many kinds of depression. When the symptoms of depression first start to appear, you might not really notice. Maybe you feel sad for a couple of days in a row, but you don’t really think anything of it. Maybe you are having a little trouble sleeping, but you figure everyone does from time to time.

Soon enough, however, the developing issues are going to become hard to ignore.

The Eclipse is Well Underway: Things Start to Get Darker

In pretty short order, the eclipse was quite noticeable as the moon covered more and more of the sun. It got cooler and it got darker. Anyone paying any kind of attention would be aware that something was going on.

Something similar can go on as a mental health disorder continues to make itself known. Suddenly, you might realize that you have been feeling sad—not just for a couple of days, but for a couple of weeks. Or you might realize that your morning coffee just isn’t doing the job anymore because you are sleeping so poorly. 

This still might not be enough to inspire you to make a change, but the idea that something might be wrong has likely crept into your mind. 

The Eclipse Reaches Totality: Time to Make a Change

If you were lucky enough to be in the path of totality, there came a moment when everything got dark—so dark that you could remove your protective glasses for a few moments and just marvel at the moon fully blocking out the light of the sun. It’s an experience many, many people traveled many, many miles to experience.

But in our metaphor, totality is not the highlight of the eclipse. Instead, it represents the lowest point for you. Things may feel very dark, indeed, at this point—and it may feel like there is no way back to a time when you felt like there was more light in your life.

Fortunately, however, the eclipse doesn’t end with totality.

The Moon Keeps Moving Past: Treatment Can Bring Back the Light

As the show in the sky continued, the moon kept moving, and before too long, a sliver of bright light was visible again. The amount of light kept growing and growing as the moon continued on its way. Eventually, everything returned to normal. The sun, after all, never went away; it was just obscured for a bit.

Getting treatment for a mental health disorder is the best way to help move the symptoms of that disorder along so that you can experience and enjoy the light again. A conversation with a doctor or therapist can get you started in a good direction. Generally speaking, mental health disorders are best treated with a combination of medication and talk therapy. Together, medication and therapy can help you make and maintain progress toward better mental health.

We Can Help You Find the Light Again

At Peak View Behavioral Health—located in Colorado Springs, Colorado—we offer personalized care for mental health disorders including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and more. Our care is built on evidence-based practices supported by our expertise, experience, and empathy.

When you are struggling with a mental health disorder, it can seem like everything is—and is going to stay—dark. Happily, however, treatment is readily available and effective. If you feel as though a mental health disorder is eclipsing your enjoyment of life, we can help.

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